Sunday, July 13, 2008



Northern Uganda Rehabiltation Programme (NUREP) has stepped up its effort to support districts in Teso and Karamoja regions.

Last week the programme coordinator issued number of cheques worth millions of shillings to the districts in Teso as support aimed at improving service delivery in their respective districts.

NUREP regional coordinator, Stephen Kluge in an exclusive interview told Veritas FM that the programme also aims at improving the living conditions of people staying in Internaly Displaced People (IDPs).

Kluge further revealed that the programme has three main pillars which deals with peace and conflict management, support of local governments and ASTU security personnel to curve out cattle rustling caused by Karamojongs to the People of Teso.

Speaking at Kaberamaido district headquarters last week, Kluge said that they have given the district authorities, laptop computer, printer and a cheque o f 10 Million shillings.

He said that the support will create better communication for the people of Kaberamaido and their field office in Moroto while money will enable the district repair spoilt vehicles so as to ease service delivery.



Kaberamaido Resident District Commissioner (RDC) John Eresu has willingly surrendered his office printer to Kaberamaido secondary school.

The offer is aimed at enabling the school have a chance of using the computer comfortably with printing services.

Eresu who was the guest of honor during the annual PTA meeting of Kaberamaido Secondary School got shocked to hear that the school just acquired the computer this term in time memorial.

Kaberamaido secondary school which is a government aided school recently purchased a computer and failed to use it due to lack of a printer.

This was announced by the headmaster, Tophil Ogwang Ilado while briefing the parents on achievements and challenges that the school is faced with.

Ilado proclaimed that now that they have a computer at school, all the school documents will be typed very clear for easy reading.

He further said that the school administration has been having problems of writing school documents and always depended on a type writer whose products were not clear.

The headmaster challenged the parents to support the school so that the academic standard of the school is raised up saying that this is computer stage.

Track. 033 Headmaster.

Kaberamaido secondary school has students population of 655 students both boys and girls against 25 teachers in total of which 17 are paid by government and rest are paid by the school management.


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